Reconstructing image composition features: leading lines computation

Jing Zhang, Rémi Synave, Samuel Delepoulle, Rémi Cozot,
Laboratoire d'Informatique Signal et Image de la Côte d'Opale (LISIC),
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, UR4491


Type: jpg
Size of image: 2386x1529
Size of file: 1,2M
Credits: William L. Picknell, Pointe de Cabellou, Brittany -

Leading Lines


Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D


algo( 0 , 0 )( 0.0647871 , 0 )( 0.0692642 , 0 )( 0.0545754 , 0 )( 0.064565 , 0 )
A( 0.0647871 , 0 )( 0 , 0 )( 0.0402214 , 0 )( 0.0140117 , 0 )( 0.0358037 , 0 )
B( 0.0692642 , 0 )( 0.0402214 , 0 )( 0 , 0 )( 0.0265697 , 0 )( 0.0239941 , 0 )
C( 0.0545754 , 0 )( 0.0140117 , 0 )( 0.0265697 , 0 )( 0 , 0 )( 0.022061 , 0 )
D( 0.064565 , 0 )( 0.0358037 , 0 )( 0.0239941 , 0 )( 0.022061 , 0 )( 0 , 0 )