Reconstructing image composition features: leading lines computation

Jing Zhang, Rémi Synave, Samuel Delepoulle, Rémi Cozot,
Laboratoire d'Informatique Signal et Image de la Côte d'Opale (LISIC),
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, UR4491


Type: jpg
Size of image: 1796x2238
Size of file: 1,6M
Credits: Franck E. Case, The Palm Alley -

Leading Lines


Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D


algo( 0 , 0 )( 0.185291 , 4 )( 0.322163 , 1 )( 0.177915 , 4 )( 0.283657 , 3 )
A( 0.185291 , -4 )( 0 , 0 )( 0.0936438 , -3 )( 0.0563301 , 0 )( 0.0798917 , -1 )
B( 0.322163 , -1 )( 0.0936438 , 3 )( 0 , 0 )( 0.11757 , 3 )( 0.296702 , 2 )
C( 0.177915 , -4 )( 0.0563301 , 0 )( 0.11757 , -3 )( 0 , 0 )( 0.103318 , -1 )
D( 0.283657 , -3 )( 0.0798917 , 1 )( 0.296702 , -2 )( 0.103318 , 1 )( 0 , 0 )