

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park is a true paradise for nature lovers. With its vast wilderness, spectacular landscapes, and incredibly diverse wildlife, it's a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

Safari vehicle encountering leopards Giraffes and zebras
Safari vehicle encountering rhinoceros Safari vehicle encountering lion

This park offers exceptional opportunities for animal observation. Guided safaris will take you into the heart of this remarkable ecosystem, where you will experience unforgettable moments. The landscape of Kruger National Park is equally breathtaking, with winding rivers, wooded hills, golden savannahs, and waterholes teeming with animals in action. You can choose to stay in authentic bush camps, falling asleep to the sounds of wild animals, or in lodges offering exceptional comfort.

Marshland View of wildlife from a terrace
Lake surrounded by dry flora River flowing through a valley

Whether you're a nature lover or simply seeking adventure, Kruger National Park in South Africa is a true treasure that will immerse you in the majesty of African wildlife and the beauty of its landscapes. Come and have an unforgettable experience within this exceptional reserve and strengthen your connection with nature in a unique way.


For this destination, we offer only one activity! The reason is simple: it's a 3-day safari in the park. During this safari, you will explore a part of this vast place. Seeing its entirety would take several weeks due to its immense size (equivalent to Belgium). However, you can appreciate what makes South Africa renowned in the world of travel: The Savannah! You will witness giraffes, rhinoceroses, elephants, cheetahs... and of course, the king of animals: the Lion. You will also enjoy the splendid landscapes offered by the park.

Accommodations  Bed Icon

Here is a selection of accommodation options for your stay in Kruger National Park. This selection includes various types of accommodations (hotels, lodges, etc.) so you can stay in a place that suits you, regardless of your personal preferences.

Dining Options  Restaurant Icon

Just like accommodations, we offer several local restaurants here, so you can eat whatever you like, no matter your tastes!

On-site Transports  icône d'avion

To go to the park from the airport, you can take a bus directly at the airport.

Fly Paris - Johannesbourg

Mean of Transport Distance Time Stop(s)
Price Carbon Dejection
11 609km
No 510€
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