Discover here some articles in link our actions.
50 000 km of new hedges by 2030
French Government is trying to increase the numbers of hedges of 50 000 km by 2030 to preserve the biodiversity and reduce soil erosion and stock more carbon.
This project requires a funding of 110 million euros to stop the disparition of more than 20 000 km of hedges each years et maintain existing ones.
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Unusual heat in September
Due to the unusual heat in September, the vegetation in France is disturbed, with trees who stay green, buds and bloom tardily. That exceptional situation can affect plants and make them more sensibles to disease and drought. The situation can be really hard for agriculture and biodiversity.
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Alarming melting of glacier
A study from the Swiss academy of natural sciences show that the Swiss glacier has melt more in two years than between 1960 and 1990, due to extreme weather conditions exacerbated by climate change due to human activities. Swiss glaciers continue to retreat rapidly.
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